Jason Segal invites you to call him

The scruffily appealing and quite musical Jason Segal went on stage at a Swell Season concert in L.A. and tickled the ivories with a special plea – call him to hook up if you’re disease-free.

Thank goodness someone had the right of mind to post it:

It’s too hard not to call 315-329-6673 and so when my co-worker pressured me to, I did. He gives an e-mail address and I left a stupid “hah” on voicemail before I could hang up in time. Idiot! Now I’ll never get to sleep with Jason Segal.

My friend called and he’s apparently updated the message to make the email address more clear. There are a lot of hoops to jump to get to Jason Segal.

Here’s what inspired me

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more about “Wired Science . Video: What’s Inside …“, posted with vodpod

I clearly haven’t posted in a long time, due to laziness, traveling and catching up on my DVR-viewing, but here’s what has oddly compelled me to post.

Thanks to PBS and Wired Science, I may not enjoy a delicious grocery store treat anymore.

Blueprint 3

Jay Z’s Blueprint 3 came out last week and my music pusher (aka boyfriend) already bought it and we’ve had a few drives to listen to it.

Besides D.O.A and Run This Town, there are plenty more where that came from on Blueprint 3. Here are two of my favourites so far:


Who should I see in McDonalds…

But So You Think You Can Dance choreographers Sho-Tyme (obviously the correct spelling) and Lil C getting some early morning McDonald’s at Queen and Spadina.

The SYTYCD geek that I am took a second to realize it was them, then proceeded to stare open-mouthed for the 5 minutes they were there. Lil C, perhaps struck with early morning fast-food creativity, threw out a couple of hip hop dance moves while listening to his fancy music player. I am a witness to genius.

I was in utter shock that nobody else in the entire McDonald’s recognized the two dudes – one in a “I am Hip Hop” sweatshirt – the whole time they were there. Don’t you people religiously record (to fast forward through Ol’ Plastic Face Miller’s parts) SYTYCDC?

So far, highlight of the day.  Screw you TIFF, I’ve got my own star sighting.

Jay Z and the Celestine Prophesy

I love O magazine’s section where various high profile people – athletes, writers, actors  – give a list of their favourite books. You can really tell a lot about people by what books they list.

So imagine my delight when in the upcoming issue of O Magazine nabs Jay Z’s bookshelf list. He names two books that have changed his life, as well as an epic Greek saga, Malcolm Gladwell’s latest and more.

Also, read a sneak peek of the Jay Z and Oprah interview, also set to come out in the October 2009 issue of O. Obviously it’s going to be a great one, considering it kicks off with this question lobbed by Oprah:

Oprah: So tell me how you got into the drug dealing.

Anna Wintour meets David Letterman

I love Anna Wintour’s icy demeanour, the power she wields, and the firm hand she bestows onto the Vogue underlings. I also love hearing insider stories about that joint and from any other major fashion magazines, where cattiness and perfection in outward appearances are de rigueur.

Thus, I can’t wait for The September Issue,  and what a happy surprise to see Anna Wintour herself doing publicity for the documentary on Letterman last night.  I feel like these two jokers should take their show on the road after their interview last night. They’re like salt and pepper, peas and carrots, prim and jokey. I will also give it up to the lady for walking out with sunglasses on, and then immediately taking them off, to show it was a joke. What a zany lady.


For the low low price of $11, this could be yours

For the low low price of $11, this could be yours

The AV Club’s The Hater puts a serious hate on for one very deserved company – American Apparel. The AV Club was riled by the recent addition of Bag-O-Scraps to the catalog of ridiculousness and expresses it in the poetically titled American Apparel Just Fucking With Us Now (and Forever).

Bag-O-Scraps sounds like an Onion creation, but no joke, it exists.  The assorted scraps of fabric are pushed as “one-of-a-kind”  and perfect for arts and crafts. Just right for your inner  9-year-old hipster.

Random funny

It looks like there is good in the world of Twitter, besides the rare funny celebrity worth checking out (the Office’s Mindy Kaling, for one).

I wish more people captured the random funny of their kinfolk like Justin, a 28-year old preserver of amazing quotations, on the Twitter page, shitmydadsays.

Outfitting an abode online

In this Globe and Mail article, Craigslist Chic, the writer has furnished and decorated her pad entirely from Etsy, Craigslist and eBay buys. The slide show takes you through the rooms and how much certain pieces cost.

Its a cool idea if you can dedicate a lot of internet searching time to it (and I have a lovely coat rack to show for my time), but this article is also awesome for the mention of Truc Nguyen, who worked at Glow when I interned there.

A funny thing about Funny People

I do not know what Judd Apatow, Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan, et. al did to The New York Observer’s reviewer Rex Reed, but it must have been on par with stealing his secret baby name to use for their own offspring or some of the activities in the intro to the Method Man song, because he is PISSED.

Reading every hateful sentence of Reed’s Funny People “review” is amazingly almost as entertaining as watching the film itself.

He actually starts a paragraph with:

In every film, Mr. Sandler looks more retarded, but never mind.

No one escapes Reed’s wrath. The lovely Leslie Mann receives this summation:

a terrible actress who speaks through her sinus cavities and sounds like she has a speech impediment

And her and Apatow’s kids, who are always adorable and entertaining to watch, get called “obnoxious.” Hating on Iris and Maude? Too far, Reed. Too far.